Exhale & Inhale

1 min read · Dec 29, 2023
New Power Labs


It’s been a year of both notable wins and success, snapbacks and setbacks. We have witnessed increased polarization, lawsuits, war, and anxiety. 

We reflect on the ongoing challenges faced by underfunded and overlooked founders, leaders, and communities. Navigating through limited resources and scant attention, these leaders continue, often under immense pressure. It’s a journey marked by relentless effort. The barriers to capital that exist across Canada continue to not only stifle innovation but also overlook potential solutions to some of our most pressing issues.


The new year is a time of renewal and hope. As Peter Drucker notes, "the best way to predict the future is to create it." 

If you are reading this, it's likely that we share a belief that capital isn't just financial: it's the future of human potential. We have a solvable challenge ahead of us to unlock the full potential of Canada. What will you create to predict the future in 2024?

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