Tools and Resources
Pledges, challenges, and toolkits to help capital deployers and leaders ensure equity and diversity are embedded in capital flows and organizations.
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A tool to help funders explore what Participatory Investing could look like within their institution. (Common Future, WES Mariam Assefa Fund)
A framework of actions that investment managers can take to advance reconciliation and Indigenous rights recognition. (Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative)
Tangible steps and case studies for investment organizations to consider their role in advancing reconciliation in Canada. (Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative)
A guide for Indigenous investors to ensure that the assets entrusted to their care are invested in ways that support their communities today, tomorrow, and for future generations. (Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative)
A guide for investors to use the UN Guiding Principles as a due diligence and risk assessment framework to assess human rights-related risks across their portfolios. (Institute for Human Rights and Business)
Practical guidance for institutional investors in applying the UN Guiding Principles throughout their risk management systems. (Investor Alliance for Human Rights)
A template to standardize the key areas of inquiry posed by investors and framework to monitor progress related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. (Institutional Limited Partner Association)
Based on the Diversity and Inclusion section of the ILPA DDQ published in September 2018. Supplemented by input from Albourne and AIMA as well as institutional investors and fund managers. (AIMA & Albourne)
A diligence tool assessing firms’ commitments tocreating an organizational culture that equally values and promotes diverse talent. (Stardust Equity)
Questions General Partners should address regarding diversity, equity and inclusion efforts within their organizations. (Alliance Global Advisors)
Questionnaires for a due diligence process that is inclusive of BIPOC managers. (Due Diligence 2.0)
Pledge for updates to the due diligence process that are inclusive of BIPOC managers. (Due Diligence 2.0)
The tools and resources to help allocators and investment influencers incorporate a gender lens, racial, and ethnic justice across the investment process. (GenderSmart)
A framework for considering, implementing, and improving investments with a justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion lens. (GenderSmart)
A pledge for startup founders or CEOs, or startup investors to build better companies and a more inclusive world. (Diversity Pledge)
A tool for asset allocators and advisors, and fund managers to invest in first-time women and diverse fund managers. (2XGlobal)
A list of questions which Limited Partners can use to ask GPs at venture funds questions during the due diligence process to better understand their approach to diversity and inclusion. (Diversity VC)
Two templates to help Canadian investors and entrepreneurs track key ESG and diversity, equity, and inclusion metrics at a firm, fund and portfolio company level.
For VC investors who want to help close the funding gap with more inclusive practices. (Cap Inclusive)
A guide for VC investors who want to help close the funding gap with more inclusive practices. (Cap Inclusive)
Action steps for venture capitalists, ecosystem builders, and philanthropies. (Aspen Institute)
A pledge for Development Finance Institutions and the broader private sector to increase investment in women worldwide. (2XGlobal)
Venture Capital
Private Equity
A tool for asset allocators and advisors, and fund managers to invest in first-time women and diverse fund managers. (2XGlobal)
Due diligence questionnaire for LPs, GPs, Placement Agents and other third parties. (Institutional Limited Partner Association)
For limited partners and general partners who share a commitment to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in the private equity industry. (Institutional Limited Partner Association)
A pledge for Development Finance Institutions and the broader private sector to increase investment in women worldwide. (2XGlobal)
A tool to help funders explore what Participatory Investing could look like within their institution. (Common Future, WES Mariam Assefa Fund)
Practical steps and solutions for advancing racial justice in grantmaking. (Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity)
A shared framework (classification, language and approach) to categorize organizations led by or targeting and supporting diverse groups. (Funders Collaborative Hub)
A framework for considering, implementing, and improving investments with a justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion lens. (GenderSmart)
Principles, guidance program, and case studies for funders seeking to strengthen disability inclusion in their grantmaking. (Ford Foundation)
A guide for funders to address equity, diversity, and inclusion with grantees. (Ford Foundation)
Pathways for philanthropy’s just transition from extractive to regenerative approaches to philanthropy. (Justice Funders)
Action steps for venture capitalists, ecosystem builders, and philanthropies. (Aspen Institute)
A commitment to increased disability inclusion learning and to pursue disability inclusion actions within organizations. (Disability & Philanthropy Forum)
An invitation for men and people of all genders to commit to solidarity with women and promote gender equality. (UN Women)
A call for government leaders to prioritise diversity, equity, and inclusion at all levels within their foundations to create a foundation more representative of their community. (Inclusive America)
InvestingVenture Capital
Private Equity
A pledge for startup founders or CEOs, or startup investors to build better companies and a more inclusive world. (Diversity Pledge)
A pledge bringing together over 2,400 CEO’s to commit to pushing progress on pressing issues facing our society. (PwC)
Best practices and actionable steps to help leaders to build more diverse organisations.
Call to action for leaders to facilitate an internal culture fostering diversity, inclusion and well-being in technology workplaces. (TechDiversity)
99-day training program to improve retention and foster talent through designing a diverse and inclusive workplace. (Dr Saundarya Rajesh)
A Canadian public and private sector initiative to increase workplace representation and inclusion of equity-deserving groups. (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada)
A certification measuring an organisation’s current status and the sustainability of its progress. (EDGE)
A pledge to examine and explore the causes, and potential solutions to increase engagement in inventorship from underrepresented groups. (United States Intellectual Property Alliance)
For organizations and individuals who are committed to creating a world where people with special needs and developmental disabilities are fully included in all aspects of life. (AbilityPath)
A commitment to improving the representation and inclusion of equity-deserving speakers and attendees at conference events. (Choir)