Midlife Collision

1 min read · Nov 24, 2023
New Power Labs

McKinsey and Co. published findings last year showing that, for every female director promoted, two female directors are leaving the workplace. A recent FastCo piece helps to frame this data, noting the “Midlife Collision” as an age and phase of life where caregiving duties, health concerns, and other pressures collide with expanding professional roles and increased demands in the work life. 

While many companies have been focused on diversifying the talent pipeline, how do we support retention and well-being through each career stage? 

In Canada, McKinsey estimates that advancing gender equity and boosting women's workforce participation could add $150 billion to our country's GDP by 2026. Yet, in the words of Pauline Senior, CEO of Canadian Women’s Foundation, “Canada has been slow to make moves to break stimulus-suppressing gendered barriers.

Contributed by: Kasha Huk

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