Disclosing progress

1 min read · Feb 2, 2024
New Power Labs

Tl;dr: Disclosing progress keeps us accountable.

There are times when saying nothing at all might be the right call. This is not true when it comes to equity work. 

A recent US-based study found that companies that disclosed diversity data were viewed more positively than those that didn’t, even when the data showed a lack of progress on diversity metrics. 

Many fear that revealing unflattering diversity metrics would undermine their reputation and credibility. Yet, study participants believed that companies that disclosed their lack of progress still are far more advanced in their equity journey than those who chose not to.

“Companies were viewed as more genuinely committed to diversity, versus just paying lip service to the issue, when the companies disclosed negative diversity data than when they remained silent.” Across three additional studies, this finding held true, yet research also suggests that approximately 95% of the largest companies in the United States had not disclosed the diversity of their workforces to the public.

While disclosure can positively influence public opinion about organizations, the jury is still out as to whether these sentiments will endure without seeing meaningful progress toward diversity goals. It is important to back our words with action, and disclosing progress keeps us accountable for our promises.

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