The lavender ceiling

1 min read · June 28, 2024
New Power Labs

Our advisor and GATE Founding Director Dr. Sarah Kaplan, in partnership with LGBTQ+ Corporate Directors Canada, examined 1,110 companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), revealing a surprisingly low count of 2SLGBTQ+ representation among corporate board members.

The study explored the lavender ceiling—barriers blocking 2SLGBTQ+ people’s path towards leadership roles and board directorships—in corporate Canada. 

They found “only 9 board members publicly identified as members of the LGBTQ community (7 in 2022, which was 0.15% of all board members that year). This figure is notably low, given StatCan’s estimation of 4.4% of Canadians identifying as LGBTQ+ (with IPSOS estimating 9%). The actual count might be higher, considering some individuals may opt not to disclose their identity publicly.”

The study notes that the Ontario Securities Commission is considering broadening disclosure regulations to encompass protected groups under the Canadian Human Rights Code and the 2SLGBTQ+ community. This is a great step forward in moving diversity conversations beyond focusing only on women.


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