Opportunity for Canadian Venture Capital Firms Dedicated to Increasing their Investment in Women-founded Firms

1 min read · July 19, 2022
Jonathan Hera, CVCA Central

Statistics · Gender · Venture Capital

85% of total investment goes to Canadian venture capital funds with no female partners in 2018.


The research conducted by Female Funders and Highland Beta (2019) examines 55 venture funds and 26 angel investor groups in Canada and finds that: 

  • Women make up just 15.2% of partners at Canadian VC firms, 11.8% of managing partners, and 10.3% of venture partners at Canadian firms. 

  • The report also says that $4.6B or eighty-five percent of $6.1B of estimated total is invested in Canadian venture-capital funds with no female partners in 2018.

  • The number of publicly disclosed venture partners who are women increased from 0% to 10.3% in 2018.


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