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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
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Equity-deserving groups

Strategies to Ingrain Diversity and Inclusion in your Workplace

There is widespread agreement on the need to improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace. But it is not easy to deliver on the promises made. This article argues that it is time to adopt a more systematic, coherent approach to D&I.

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Key Things to Help Investors Take Steps towards Racial Equity

In 2019, just 1% of venture backed founders were Black, despite the high level of innovation coming from the Black community. If we want to build a system with an equitable flow of capital, we have a long way to go to expand perceptions and get more people to see themselves as investors, and expand who has access to investment accounts and services.

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Ways to Nurture Inclusion for Indigenous Peoples in Canadian Workplaces

This report highlights the stress and racism that Indigenous peoples face in Canadian workplaces. The study findings point to actions that managers and team members can take to build the understanding, relationships, and work environments to help Indigenous peoples belong, contribute, and thrive in the workplace.

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