New Power Labs is on an ambitious mission.

New Power Labs was co-created with a group of founding partners that continues to grow. We have been building strategic partnerships with capital deployers across sectors and key organizations supporting the ecosystem.

Our five co-founders:

World Education Services, Mariam Assefa Fund
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Community Foundations of Canada
Coast Capital
DUCA Impact Lab

With support from:

Growing our capacity and expertise to accomplish sustained impact, we have more than doubled our team. Guided by our values, each member of the New Power Labs family is deeply passionate about making capital flows more inclusive and equitable, and doing so in a manner that promotes diversity and equity.

Our values

Shared New Power

  • We work in solidarity with overlooked and underfunded stakeholders. 

  • We share power and space in a manner that celebrates diversity, is inclusive, and promotes equity. 

  • We recognize everyone’s inherent dignity and treat everyone foremost as fellow human beings — with an aim to move beyond polarized discourse.

Bold Co-Creation

  • We create solutions with — and not just for — overlooked and underfunded stakeholders. 

  • We listen with empathy, design based on people and their needs, and always strive to add value for those we work with. 

  • We challenge ourselves and our partners to be bold and to stay open to new ideas. 

  • We learn continuously from new evidence and continuously evolve to accelerate and expand impact.

Courageous Accountability

  • We lead and build partnerships with integrity. 

  • We have the courage to take on difficult challenges, know when to slow down, and when to stop. 

  • We are transparent with our ideas, successes, and failures. 

  • We do not avoid difficult conversations with ourselves and with our partners.

We are working toward shifting


to underfunded and overlooked
founders and leaders. 

We have set ambitious targets with our Co-Founders, and taken first steps towards them. Our co-created theory of change enables us to measure progress and map our impact.

In 2023 and beyond, we will continue to work with our community to implement and build toward these targets. 

Bringing together practitioners through the New Power Members Network, we are leading and driving systemic change by supporting practitioners on their transformation journeys to mobilize more capital towards underinvested and underserved communities. In partnership with Members, we are mapping their portfolios across 10+ diversity lenses, to enable transparency, benchmarking and insights. 

By 2030, accredited investors, small and large foundations, and credit unions we have brought together will have deployed $500M towards underinvested and underserved communities.

Our learnings from the last two years.

1.  We need to move beyond the good/bad binary.

We recognize that our minds often operate within a binary framework of good and bad. This fixed mindset can hinder progress when policies, practices and outcomes are overlooked, as we assume our good intent will translate into good work, free from bias and treating individuals equitably.

Moving beyond the good/bad binary, we can more effectively assess ourselves and adopt strategies that advance equity, diversity, and inclusion in our work. Acknowledging our imperfections and blindspots enables us to learn and evolve continuously.

Adopting this growth-oriented approach fosters more constructive dialogues, resulting in equitable and inclusive outcomes while promoting ongoing learning and development. 

Moving beyond the good/bad binary encourages us to challenge our assumptions and stay open to ideas and perspectives.

2. Diversity, equity, and inclusion must be explicitly prioritized and resourced.

Driving meaningful equity, diversity, and inclusion requires a sustained commitment across a spectrum of small-scale changes and transformative actions. We need to value and advance equity, diversity and inclusion as essential work that is core to improving operations and advancing impact, and acknowledge that this is a long-term journey that requires leaders to commit significant, sufficient human and financial capital. 

3. We move faster and further together.

By moving out of silos and embracing collective learning and sharing, we can advance equity, diversity, and inclusion more effectively and efficiently. Making conversations, datasets and research findings more accessible and transparent, and openly collaborating across the sector breaks down barriers and enables improvement. Building a movement takes all of us, as contributors, learners and leaders. 

Keep reading:
2023 and Beyond