We co-designed a practice framework to move insights into action. 

New Power Labs is a collective platform for investors, for asset managers, for philanthropists, for educators, for government, for Canadians.

Sally Dimachki
Policy Analyst, Social Finance Fund

Developed with our Co-Founders and partners, this framework will support organizations to embed equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in how they flow capital.

We have a collective roadmap to drive equitable capital flows with a cohort of New Power Members.

New Power members are connected through a learning process and encouraged to work with peers to solve mutual challenges and share new knowledge, learning, and practices. Members are committed to transparency and accountability of how capital flows across the capital spectrum.

We confirmed practice partnerships launching in 2023 that will help answer complex questions about putting diversity, equity and inclusion into capital practice.

We worked to move ideas into action, bringing together community partnerships and global best practices to set up prototypes that allow us to learn and share what works. From a fund designed from the ground up to be equity-and-diversity-led, to place-based investment models that help capital deployers achieve more impact by sharing power with the communities they support, our practice partnerships will accelerate ways of working that achieve greater equity across capital flows. 

We kicked off our work on benchmarking.

We launched a resource library on benchmarking.

From the In the Dark report, we learned that a lack of standardized benchmarking tools and approaches makes it harder for organizations to set equity, diversity, and inclusion targets and drive accountability. To solve this, we have mapped existing benchmarking tools and approaches used across different capital flows. This resource library will be published in 2023, and will enable organizations to better measure progress.

And we launched a pilot policy benchmarking project with 10+ impact investment funds.

In collaboration with ClauseHound, a Canadian legal tech firm specializing in using natural language processing (NLP, a form of machine learning), we are working to analyze organizational policies related to equity, diversity, and inclusion, in order to help participants map and address relevant policy gaps.

Mapping how capital flows through the collection of disaggregated data.

People and Capital Flow Diversity Data Initiative

The In the Dark report uncovered that impact investors and social impact accelerators encounter practical and ethical challenges when collecting self-identified disaggregated data, and that this is still not a widespread practice.

To address this problem, we have built an approach to support capital deployers and recipients to collect disaggregated socio-demographic data with an aim to bring transparency to how capital flows across diversity: from gender, age, sexual identity, Indigenous identity, ethnicity, abilities, languages and more.

Learn more.

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